Our Leaders

Our organisation is a recognised leader in business consulting and strategic support in the Asian market. Since our founding in 2018, we bring together more than 70 highly skilled professionals whose expertise and cohesion enable us to offer innovative solutions to clients.

We help companies and business associations from all over the world to successfully enter the dynamic Asian market. Since then, we have supported more than 300 legal entities, helping them to grow and strengthen their position in the region. Our contribution was recognised by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China for our active participation in modernising the system of long-term economic risk analysis.

Г-н Вэн Чжуань​

Глава Пекинского Института Бизнес-Консалтинга / Почетный работник торговли КНР​

Г-жа PhD Дэйю Лин

Глава попечительского совета Пекинского Института Бизнес-Консалтинга​

Г-н Во Сыту​

Директор по коммуникациям Пекинского Института Бизнес-Консалтинга​

Г-н Чжу Бацзе​

Директор по развитию Пекинского Института Бизнес-Консалтинга

Г-н Чан Вэйвэй​

Директор по международным проэктам Пекинского Института Бизнес-Консалтинга​

Г-н Пу Цзюшань​​

Глава экспертного совета Пекинского Института Бизнес-Консалтинга / Ректор The University of International Business and Economics (UIBE)

Mr Weng Zhuang

Head of Beijing Institute of Business Consulting / Honoured Trade Worker of the PRC

Ms PhD Lin Dayu

Head of the Board of Trustees of Beijing Institute of Business Consulting

Mr Wo Situ

Director of Communications, Beijing Institute of Business Consulting

Mr Zhu Bajie

Development Director of Beijing Institute of Business Consulting

Mr Chang Weiwei

Director of International Projects, Beijing Institute of Business Consulting

Mr Pu Jiushan

Head of the Expert Council of Beijing Institute of Business Consulting / Rector of The University of International Business and Economics (UIBE)